Here is a step by step guide how to install and configure Apache Guacamole on CentOS7
Step 1. Of course, you need to install a new system. During the installation, remember to set few things to avoid manual change later.
- set time zone
- set network configuration
- set storage
- select minimal server packages
- begin installation
- set root password
Step 2. After installation reboot, it's a good practice to keep your system up-to-date.
# yum update -y
Step 3. Install some dependency packages. The following list all packages to be installed.
# yum install -y cairo-devel
# yum install -y libjpeg-turbo-devel
# yum install -y libpng-devel
# yum install -y libtool
# yum install -y uuid-devel
# yum install epel-release
# rpm -v --import
# rpm -Uvh
# yum install -y ffmpeg-devel
# yum install -y freerdp-devel
# yum install -y pango-devel
# yum install -y libssh2-devel
# yum install -y libtelnet-devel
# yum install -y libvncserver-devel
# yum install -y libwebsockets-devel
# yum install -y pulseaudio-libs-devel
# yum install -y openssl-devel
# yum install -y libvorbis-devel
# yum install -y libwebp-devel
Step 4. Download Apache Guacamole Server source and get it install
you might need this tool.
# yum install -y wget
Download Source (2 ways)
download from website
after getting the url from browser download manager, you can download with wget ( for me, i have the url)
# wget
# tar -xzf guacamole-server-1.1.0.tar.gz
# cd guacamole-server-1.1.0/
download from github
# git clone git://
# cd guacamole-server/
# autoreconf -fi# ./configure --with-init-dir=/etc/init.d
You should get similar result
# make
# make install
# ldconfig
Now the Guacamole Server is ready.
Step 5. Download Apache Guacamole Client WAR
Download client from website
after getting the url from browser download manager, you can download with wget ( for me, i have the url)
# wget
Step 6. Install Tomcat
# yum install -y tomcat
# yum install -y tomcat-admin-webapps
# yum install -y tomcat-webapps
# vi /usr/share/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml
Uncomment these lines and change the password for admin
# systemctl enable tomcat
# systemctl restart tomcat
Step 7. Open port 8080 on firewall
# firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
mine is
and the manager app should also work at
After input the admin user name and password,
# cp guacamole-1.1.0.war /usr/share/tomcat/webapps/guacamole.war
Then refresh the
You will see the app deployed
# mkdir /etc/guacamole
# vi /etc/guacamole/
# vi /etc/guacamole/user-mapping.xml
(this is for testing purpose, change the red parts as needed)
# systemctl enable guacd
# systemctl restart tomcat guacd
Step 8. Testing - without Database
Try to click any of connections for testing
During session connected, you can use CTRL+ALT+SHIFT to call the GUACAMOLE menu for disconnections (under top right corner choose testuser->disconnect)