Thursday, August 4, 2022

How to List all Active Sessions in Oracle and Kill it


The following SQL lists all Active Sessions.  It is useful to locate performance problem.  It shows every running SQL statement prefix.  You can also get the kill statement, just copy and run it to kill the problem session.

with vs as (select a.sid, a.serial#, a.status, a.username, a.last_call_et, a.command, a.machine, a.osuser, a.module, a.action, a.resource_consumer_group, a.client_info, a.client_identifier, a.type, a.terminal,

                        a.sql_address, a.sql_hash_value, b.sqltext

                     from gv$session a left join (select address, hash_value, listagg(trim(sql_text),'') within group (order by piece) sqltext

                                                            from V$SQLtext_with_newlines

                                                            where piece < 20

                                                            group by address,hash_value) b on a.sql_address = b.address and a.sql_hash_value = b.hash_value

 select vs.sid ,vs.serial# serial, --vs.sql_id,


        case when vs.status = 'ACTIVE' 

                  then last_call_et 

             else null end SECONDS_IN_WAIT,

        (select name from AUDIT_ACTIONS where action = vs.command) COMMAND,

        vs.machine ,

        vs.osuser , 

        lower(vs.status) STATUS,






        vs.sqltext sqlprefix,

        'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '''||vs.sid||','||vs.serial#||''' immediate;' kill_statement

   from vs 

  where vs.USERNAME is not null

    and nvl(vs.osuser,'x') <> 'SYSTEM'

    and vs.type <> 'BACKGROUND'

    and lower(vs.status) not in ('inactive')


The following list some useful columns as an example.